
Leaked audit of VW’s Xinjiang plant contains flaws: expert

Scholar Adrian Zenz says auditors did not adhere to international standards, making it unreliable.

10 years on, EU and rights groups call for Ilham Tohti’s release

China sentenced the Uyghur scholar to life in prison in 2014 on separatism charges.

Uyghur scholar’s prison guard gets 7 years for revealing ‘secrets’

He disclosed information about Ilham Tohti while he was in solitary confinement.

Japanese-Uyghur lawmaker urges Tokyo to take firmer stand on China

As Asia’s strongest democracy, Japan must address human rights crisis in Uyghur region: Arfiya Eri

China celebrates 75th birthday but Uyghurs and Tibetans chafe under Beijing's rule

Tibetans are subjected to more ‘patriotic education’ as a Uyghur camp survivor calls it ‘Day of Mourning.’

Uyghur activists welcome Biden’s call to limit ‘de minimis’ exemption

Critics call the law a ‘loophole’ that allows goods made with slavery to be sold to Americans.

China’s rights record under fire at United Nations

Uyghur Tales of Survival - Episode 6: Sowing Seeds of Hope